
Why do good things happen to bad people? Why do really bad things happen to really good people?

My father is a minister dealing with terminal cancer. Think about that for a moment. He’s a pastor, given his life to serve God, and has terminal cancer, had beat it but I came back. He’s been in constant, often overwhelming, pain for over 10 years.

It’s not fair and in the end there is no good reason for it. This is one of thousands of stories of good people who have bad things happen to them.

So how do we deal with pain? What do you tell yourself or more importantly perhaps those you serve? What do we do when the people we serve (think broad, your neighbour, co-worker, friends) are struggling with the unexplainable?

I don’t have an easy answer. I know God understands the situation and that He willingly walks with us. But it’s also very possible that they will never understand why.

How do we get people to a place where it’s ok to not know why and to simple know who God is and that He loves them? I think it starts with us. Starts with us being there in their pain and showing the love they need. We can start to be Jesus in their life even when they don’t know it. Share you love and your self with those in pain so that thought you they will see a God who loves and cares for them. We need to build relationships which are never easy but is I believe is what people in pain, whatever pain that may be, need.

Any other ideas because there are so many that need them.

~ by Philip on November 26, 2008.

One Response to “Pain”

  1. I think it also starts with brutal honesty. This is a real part of being a Christian. The Psalms are full of brutally honest people about pain, doubt, and God. This is I think a step forward and a step towards God.

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